
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fans Wondering Why Karyn White Didn't Perform "Super Woman" at the BET Awards

Good morning!

Been on a blogging break to honor other writing obligations.

Done with that for now. Here I am, for a minute.

After a sabbatical, the first post is customarily fluffy, if you get my meaning.

But this one isn't. It focuses on the buzz around the recently televised 2015 BET Awards. No surprise there, huh?

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Clocks Return to Standard Time: It Won't Be Dark at 6 AM

Daylight Saving Time...?

What's happening here? 

Based on what we know, daylight saving time isn't coming in, it's going out, and time goes back to normal...supposedly. After tampering with the clock for so long, who knows what normal is?

The whole idea is to have longer days during summer so we can make better use of daylight to do things that we wouldn't be outside trying to do in freezing temperatures, which conserves energy.

Therefore, someone proposed manipulating the time to give the illusion of more daylight.

Notice I said, "give the illusion of more daylight". That's because manipulating the time doesn't add or subtract daylight. It merely adjusts the hour to determine how light it will be at 6 AM and at 6 PM (when the sun rises and sets).

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Do We Need the Dirt of Scandal, Social Unpleasantry, Criticism and Gossip to Achieve Personal Growth?

Life experience is almost always "dirty".

Some would argue that we need the filth of life experience to grow and produce better decision-making.

You ask, "What do you mean by that?"

There's no other way to put it. We need dirt to grow.

Spreading or talking about unpleasant rumors is called "gossip" by many, and some call it passing judgment.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

19 Actual Facts Everyone Should Know About Earth

Everyone knows or should know about the surroundings of their home.

You're familiar with the houses on the street, you know if there's a lake or pond, you're able to describe landmarks.

It's natural to know facts about your immediate surrounding. Over time, your natural habitat becomes a subconscious part of your daily life.

What about Earth? How much do you know about your planetary home?

Monday, October 12, 2015

How to Take the Initiative and Heal Your Body

Wouldn't it be grand if you could blink your eyes, wiggle your nose or make a wish and get rid of an ailment?

Well, no proof exists about blinking the eyes or wiggling the nose, however, according to Louise Hay the author of "Heal Your Body" we have the power to heal our bodies--with a little incentive, persistence, and determination.

Her own story is quite compelling. If you haven't read it, please do so. You can get a glimpse of it here.

Like Hay, each of us has some type of trauma lingering deep inside. This kind of suffering eats at the core of your being and if not dealt with, it begins to deteriorate the physical body.

Unfortunately, many of us succumb to illnesses that are simply triggered by unresolved issues and emotional tender places in our lives.

It wasn't easy, but Hay overcame her illness. And she shares amazingly powerful information that's simple in nature but when followed, delivers miraculous results.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

5 Signals That Say The Friendship is Over

What Signals The End Of A Friendship?

Friendships don't end. They evolve maybe, but they rarely ever end. Friends who haven't been in touch in decades will still speak well of the other.

However, sometimes feelings get bruised in the evolving, and ending the friendship justified, at least in the offended party's mind.

On the other hand, there is often the natural progression of life that guides a series of events that land two people on opposite sides of it.

In this case, there are no hurt feelings, grudges or regrets, just the wide-eyed desire to explore the newness of life with a different set of people.

Occasionally, circumstances get to be such that two people no longer have anything in common. There may be a substantial age difference or one is married and the other isn't. Whatever the condition, it becomes clear that the two can no longer co-exist as friends.

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Break From The Norm To Share Part of My Soul...Literally

I don't know if I mentioned any of my other interests, but I like to try and carry a note or two. I sometimes take a tune from an album and share it with those I care enjoy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

20 Characteristics of a Narcissist

Narcissistic behavior and selfishness run a close race. However, there are some distinct differences between a mere selfish individual and a person who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.

While this isn't a life-threatening distraction, a narcissist can destroy your self-esteem, your confidence and your dreams.

They have a way of making you feel small and insignificant in comparison to them.

If you have a friend, colleague or family member that you find obnoxiously self-absorbed and you can't figure out what makes them tick, maybe this list will help.

You can also NOT feel guilty for loving this person from a distance.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

5 Little-Known Factors That Could Affect The Romance in Your Marriage or Relationship

Finding love is somewhat like auditioning for a part in a love story. You look your best, you're on
the best behavior because you want the part.

You've been auditioning for a while, it finally paid off. Right?

After landing the part and now in the show, you're no longer consistent.

You might feel like grooming yourself, but chances are you won't. 

Why bother? You landed the role of being the spouse or significant other. The work is done, right? Wrong. 

There are some factors that could affect the romance in your marriage or relationship. In this post, the guide deals specifically with women.

5 Reasons Why a Degree in Classical Studies is Both Rewarding and Uniquely Inspirational

There is something magical about studying ancient cultures.

Trekking through the annals of Greek and Roman culture--relishing each great piece of art.

Embracing clever literature, learning the crispness of Latin and Greek languages and pondering philosophies of great men.

This is the beauty of classical studies.

One can learn about the methods of once  thriving civilizations, as the journey of classical studies takes the student on a wander through centuries of fascinating chronicles, visiting history to learn how the present came to be.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Devin Hatchet Walker Dominates Field In Shannon Middle School's Third Game

Tuesday evening, Devin Hatchet Walker (number 4) eighth grader at Shannon Middle School, dominated the field...AND the game as the team competed for yardage on their home turf against Amory, in the third game of the 2015 season. Walker scored four touchdowns, contributing to his team's final winning score of 34-14.

Friday, May 1, 2015

What Is A "Thug"?

Since using the "N-word" to describe a black is off the table, people who like to use the word in a demeaning manner just looked for a replacement word. And apparently, that replacement word is "thug", because it's only being used to describe black people or to reference so-called gangs. The question is: what is a thug?

Let's look at it.
The word "thug" comes from "thag", an Indian-Hindi word that means one of these robbers. The British in India gave the name thug to a member of a gang of thieves and murderers. It is said that a thug would pretend to be friendly with a traveler, offer to share the journey, and when the opportunity seemed safe, the thug (as it were) would kill and rob his traveling companion. During the 19th century, it is said that thugs made travel dangerous, so the British government imprisoned most of them, making them less of a threat over a few years. Nonetheless, the word thug has lasted and has evolved and taken on a broader meaning.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

While Baltimore Burns, The Self-Righteous Pass Judgment

The fair-minded among society can agree that Blacks and other minorities are very passive, taking all kinds of abuse and methods of injustice from the system. From paying higher mortgages to being denied one altogether, minorities have to endure the absolute worst of living conditions, and they simply clamp their teeth and get through it--never reacting to the blatant class bias. Nevertheless, while Baltimore burns, those of that community say the self-righteous sit in the safety of their dwelling places and pass judgment.

It is argued that despite their passivity, when blacks do react to an act of human cruelty that crosses the line (such as police murder), they are characterized as "thugs" and "criminals". Some government officials denounce this characterization, claiming that it summons response from the global community, accusing the United States of allowing methods of brutality against its citizens as a means of control, living this hypocrisy while preaching human rights to the world at large.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Blue-Bell Recall: Do We Really Know What We're Eating?

Blue Bell, the 108-year-old ice-cream giant, recalled all of its products this week after their famous chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream tested positive for listeriosis. So the question is, do we really know what we're eating?

Just a month ago, Blue Bell made its first (ever) recall when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked ice cream contaminated with listeriosis to three deaths at a Kansas hospital. Not long after that, five others in Kansas and Texas were sickened with the disease.

Listeriosis is a serious infection contracted by eating foods contaminated with Listeria Monocytogenes. Surprisingly, the disease primarily affects newborns, pregnant women, older adults, and adults with weakened immune systems. Persons in fairly good health are also affected. You might say everyone is at risk.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dad Punches Son In Face, Held on $1 Million Bond

Justin Whittington was arrested and charged for punching his toddler son, knocking him to the floor. 

New York Daily News follows up on the shocking video alleging child abuse. Like the cell-phone video that led to the arrest of Michael Slager, the North Carolina police officer who shot Walter Scott multiple times in the back, surveillance technology captures another criminal act, landing the perpetrator in jail.

Recent video captured by a store surveillance camera prompts renewed conversation around child abuse. 23-year-old Justin Whittington was arrested and charged with child endangerment after surveillance footage captures him abusing a toddler inside the Vest Market.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Your Handwriting And What It Says

Here's an interesting take on how handwriting provides insight into a person's character and personality. Though you might like this creative image of it.

Go through it. You might be surprised!

TV Personalities And Their Look-Alikes

These interesting photos stood out in an amazing way when I ran across them. Some of TV's most famous personalities appear to have a twin! Or at least a look-alike. I wanted to share this unique find; you're sure to find these TV personalities and their human duplicates quite intriguing.

Take a look at the 10 photos; then leave your comment on whether you think they are related of if it's just a coincidence.

Who's to say this Russian revolutionist isn't part of Jimmy Fallon's family tree? You have to admit; they look an awful lot alike.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Police Officer Charged With Murder

The victim, Walter Scott, turns to run away from the officer, after being threatened, according to the witness who captured the video footage. The source claims the police officer did not know he was being recorded or watched; "he thought he was out there alone with the man he shot in the back."

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mo'Nique and "Empire" Rumor

Those who saw Lee Daniel's "Precious" know that Mo'Nique played the hell out of her role as a screwed up, abusive single mother in the film. If there were any doubts about her acting ability, they were all resolved with her performance in "Precious".

Lee Daniels: The Brains Behind "EMPIRE"

Where does a television series like "Empire" come from? Who envisions and creates characters, writes the script? Is there one writer, two...or more?

These are questions the viewer probably raises after watching an episode of "Empire", the blockbuster made-for-television first-run series that debuted on FOX this year, in 2015.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Conspiricy Theory Claims Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina are 'Sacrifices'

This post is about our "fallen songbird", Whitney Houston--and her daughter, Bobbi Kristina. Sadly, we all know that medically, Krissy is already dead; it's just that machines are pumping oxygen in and out of her lungs, causing her chest to rise and fall, giving the illusion that she's alive. For the moment, this probably helps the family to accept and deal with the inevitable. 

Of course, there's nothing anybody can do about it if Whitney and Bobbi were allegedly "sacrificed". But...Sacrificed to "whom", by "whom",  and for "what"? Why do both incidents involve drowning in a bathtub?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Credit Traps...We ALL Got Caught!

What is the credit trap?
The "Credit Trap" is when you can't be off work when you're sick because you're in a stressful place of bills, bills, and more bills. It's a situation where you almost NEVER break free because you ALWAYS want what you cannot afford, and therefore, you live outside your means, borrowing money from "Peter to pay Paul".

Monday, March 30, 2015

"EMPIRE" Took Ratings & Viewers By Storm

No matter what anyone says, "Empire" is phenomenal!

The newly debuted FOX series is a refreshing change from the gutter-rat drama on VH1's The Real Housewives of Atlanta", where Nene Leakes gives the term loudmouth fool a new meaning. Unlike the bitchy mentality of reality TV where women group into cliques and go at each other. One side bullies the other and the other side better come out swinging, or they'll be wimped out. Really? No, thank you.

Friday, January 30, 2015

5 Things Humans Can Explain...But What About the Unexplainable?

The law of "cause and effect" is in constant activation. This rule is at the core of every event we witness.

We can explain the cause of:

  • various weather patterns
  • the common cold
  • cracks in the sidewalk
  • civil demonstrations
  • some widespread diseases

Some psychiatrists attempt to rationalize certain behavior patterns using different methods during clinical analysis. Reports, essays, and articles on 'why people become serial killers' or 'what makes a child abuser' contain findings, opinions, and suppositions written by psychologists trying to explain this part of human behavior.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Human Nature is Strange in Some People

People are good...and good to get along least until they THINK they have ARRIVED at some noteworthy pinnacle in their lives.

For example, it's easy to mingle with people when everyone is on the same (human) level.  However, conflict is eminent when there's ONE in the group who believes their "degree" or "title" places them in a higher category--therefore they are deserving of "special" consideration among their peers.

Some people are just not suited for leadership...perhaps because they can't seem to follow it.  I mention this in association with our hospital stay at North Mississippi Medical Center.  Let me give you a little insight into the issue.

Monday, January 26, 2015

My Grandson's Emergency Surgery

My grandson went to radiology for another CT Scan to determine why his temperature continues to spike.  The scan revealed an abscess that formed after surgery.  They have to drain it.

Yes.  We're in North Mississippi Medical Center and's been a harrowing week.

He's 13 years old and very athletic.  To look at him, you'd think he was 16 or 17.  But...he's just my big, growing grandson.

It happened on Martin Luther King's birthday of 2015.

My grandson (Devin) and his cousins went to the movies the Saturday prior to the holiday.  He said he threw up after eating some nachos and cheese at the theater.

He laid around all day Sunday.  That Monday he complained of stomach pains.  We all thought it was a touch of food poisoning.  I told him I would bring him to hospital emergency, but he wanted to wait and visit Med Serve the following morning. couldn't wait until the next day.

After feeling his forehead and realizing he was very hot, (and as fever is an indication that something is wrong in the body, we hurried to the hospital.

Needless to say, they rushed us right through; did the examination, along with a CT Scan and blood test.  They determined he suffered a ruptured appendix.

The surgeon came in our room in the emergency ward and explained what they found.
"It's good you got him here when you did.  His appendix ruptured, and he has bad infection throughout his abdominal cavity.  His white blood count is 25,000, which is way over the normal count.  His body is being invaded by the infection and is struggling to survive.  We need to go in and get it (his appendix) out right now.  We need to clean up as much of the infection as we can and start a drain.  To begin, we'll inject a dose of morphine into his I.V. to numb the pain.  Then we'll begin prepping him for surgery."
Needless to say, that was the beginning of what seemed to be a long, uphill climb--but it really wasn't--at least not as much a physical one for him, as it was an emotional one for me.

He's young and strong, and his body doesn't have a lot of existing issues to weaken his chances of a complete recovery.  Despite the confusion over what his problem was, Devin will be fine.

Though he thought he had a stomach ache and though we thought so too, at first--overall I'm grateful. It could have been much worse.  The surgeon said it was a close call.  His hot forehead is what literally saved his life...and mine.

I want to share a couple of important things I learned from this experience:
  1. A fever is ALWAYS indication that something is wrong in the body, and you should seek medical help immediately.  Better safe than sorry.
  2. Listen to children when they tell you they're sick.  Pay close attention to their behavior and act accordingly.
  3. You won't know an appendix is infected until you go to the hospital and do the necessary tests. 
  4. Don't assume.  Symptoms can be deceiving.
  5. NEVER blame yourself because you didn't know.  It's easy to feel guilty like there was something you should have done.  But only a series of medical tests can confirm an infected appendix.
Today marks day 7 of our hospital stay.  We were hoping he would be discharged today.  However, his temperature keeps spiking.  Like I said, a fever of any intensity means something is wrong in the body.

Well...since the new development, we'll probably be here for another few days.  But that's okay.  I don't mind as long as he's recovering.

Thought:  Appreciate each other while you have each other.  You never know when one of you will no longer be around.

Article was written by Peggy Hatchet James

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