
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fans Wondering Why Karyn White Didn't Perform "Super Woman" at the BET Awards

Good morning!

Been on a blogging break to honor other writing obligations.

Done with that for now. Here I am, for a minute.

After a sabbatical, the first post is customarily fluffy, if you get my meaning.

But this one isn't. It focuses on the buzz around the recently televised 2015 BET Awards. No surprise there, huh?

Striking me the most curious is Karyn White's video response explaining why she didn't appear to perform her hit song "Super Woman".

White alleges she wasn't invited.

If that's true,--and I don't see her lying on the only viable Black Entertainment showcase and making that kind of enemy--then, Houston, we have a damn problem.

If I may be real and raw for the remainder of this observation...

Based on this video message from Karyn, there's no reason why she couldn't perform the song....So, what's up with this "segregation" inside televised blackness?

All this hypocritical crap about what other segments do to marginalize black folk seems a bit empty, in light of these entertainment giants coming off like a bunch of money-making clowns, who are messed up with jealousy, envy, strife and other bulls!#%! ~ it's not cute.

-------- And at a time in our history when we're seeing ourselves being murdered in "real time", we don't need this crap at the top of our existence. Get it together already... or get off the planet! --- Times are too crucial...and we don't have time for you... whoever you are!

I mean, think about it.

We have a political mud race where mud-slinging against other nationalities provoke acts of gun violence and murder.

Then there's the unveiling of decades of blacks falling prey to targeted police murder. Couple that with mysterious jail cell deaths, shootings of pedestrians needing help, random shooting into protest gatherings...the list is endless.

So, who has time for this petty shit among so-called stars trying to outshine and out sing each other? Perhaps that's why Michael Jackson mastered his craft, as opposed to merely wanting to be seen. But I digress.


Yes. This is raw. But you were forewarned several sentences ago.

My point is this. The whole thing stinks and is questionable, now that we hear it from her. Placing a courtesy call to White was the grownup thing to do...whatever the beef.

Why? the BET crowd has to deal with this video backlash. Now they have to respond with something that makes sense or risk being viewed as weak and unworthy of the attention we give it.

All this could have been avoided.

Honestly? I'm so done with the pseudo entertainment fluff. Fake is the new normal, and it doesn't suffice. It's zirconium. We want diamonds.

Ergo the hundreds of protests across the globe, dissatisfaction with leadership and fake, sell-out black preachers, who fleece and sacrifice the sheep for a chicken leg. It's pathetic.

By the way, I say black preachers because I know about my own situation. I've sat in beat-down congregations, been chided into giving money intended for utilities or rent, and then being turned away when going to the same church for assistance paying the light bill I took money from to pay in tithes.

Need I go on? Thought so.

The public is now regurgitating counterfeit bullshit, regardless the venue. Be it religion, politics or basic human rights, counterfeit is under intense scrutiny.

So, to the BET crowd, to politicians, to cities that under-govern their police and especially to weak-kneed, jelly-back, over-sexed black preachers--the jig is up! I'm not saying, "get it together". I'm saying, It's over.

'bout time.

This rant is written, Copyright © 2015 by Peggy Hatchet James

#TeenSurvivalSeries #realtalk #nobullshit

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