
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Is This The Age Of 'TRUMP' or 'George-Wallace' Replay?

Donald Trump, 2016 presidential candidate

UPDATED - March 18, 2016
This look of indifference is smug, defiant and even a bit sad.

Donald Trump is a news buff who watches every relevant network. So, it's guaranteed that he's heard the many sarcastic remarks about his presidency.

That said, smug defiance in the face of harsh ridicule isn't surprising.

After all, despite brazen news conferences, gender insults and harsh tweets, Trump is still human.

And while  networks and so-called establishment politicians  were snickering and making snide comments about the real estate billionaire, he was apparently in one of his plush board rooms planning his triumph.

17 contenders burst out of the gate, running for the highest, most prestigious office in the land. One by one they stumbled, crashed and burned--mostly after holding a press conference to talk about how Trump's many coarse deficiencies make it impossible for him to be president.

Meanwhile, caucus-goers and primary voters for Trump came to his defense--to the point that out of the 17 candidates, only three are left standing--Trump being one of them.

Mitt Romney
Of course, when Mitt Romney, the supposed republican "big gun", came to the national podium to use intellect and fancy words to derail Trump's campaign, media networks jumped on it, looped it for 24 hours and finally threw up their hands, as it was clear that Trump was the real "Teflon Don". Nothing derogatory sticks to him.

America has seen all of this before, more notably with George Wallace, a proud racist segregationist who, like the current republican front-runner, said and did things fit for an alley brawl.

George Wallace can be characterized as a two-ton powder keg surrounded by maniacs and fools with matches. Though he's a billionaire and should be more refined, Trump parallels with Wallace in this respect.

Arthur Bremer
In fact, many believe Wallace's rhetoric of violence and racism is responsible for the shooting that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Keep in mind that Wallace's shooter was Arthur Bremer, a 21-year-old whom you could say finally cracked under one of Wallace's coarse statements. He also wounded three others in the scattering.

The shooter's age is important because like Wallace, Trump's protestors are mostly young college-age students who are dangerously as passionate as Arthur Bremer.

The current political atmosphere sizzles with burning anger at Trump's rhetoric against women, Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, media and people with disabilities. After all his narcissistic self-platitudes, Trump is in hot water of his own heating--making himself a target for dangerous backlash.
George Wallace lying on the ground

This is not a call for such action. However, history shows us that this is a nation of armed assassins, who shoot presidents and presidential candidates.

Can we put anything past second-amendment champions, who go into the workplace and gun down co-workers and into schools to murder children? As such, it shouldn't surprise anyone that Trump could mimic Wallace's life, literally.

Trump has made enemies around the globe, insisting he's the long awaited republican savior who's going to make Mexico pay for "the wall with a big door" he's going to build to keep "illegal aliens" out of the country.

As for this season's politics, well...let's just say there's plenty wringing of hands and wiping sweat beads from the brow of Washington hypocrites who helped run the country into the ground during the bush years. It's no wonder that Jeb! fell by the wayside.

But I digress.

This is a wait-and-see moment in presidential politics. Usually, the public has a clear idea of their nominee, like the fixed Hillary Clinton run. However, it's not even clear that she will prevail. If Bernie Sanders doesn't take her down, her shenanigans will. It's a mess of huge proportions.

In dimly lit rooms of political conspirators, Paul Ryan and other empty suits on the Hill plot the exit of their front-runner...though they sat by and watched him climb their nomination ladder. Now that he's nearing the pinnacle, Washington production-blockers are waiting to push him back down--and out of the party.

Using subliminal suggestion as only he can, Trump nonchalantly warned that "they might riot" if the nomination is essentially stolen from him.

Trump packed his crowds with enough explosive language to start a revolt of huge proportions. So a riot is not out of the question. Now that the repubs realize they're between Trump and a hard place, they're trying to come out it too late?

Are people so fed up with seven years of republican obstructionism? A bunch of bigots who just couldn't stomach an African American as president, so they blocked every good thing on the  agenda. From infrastructure to student-loan reform and everything in between...they blocked it all.

They produced loose canons, the Sarah Palin's, Ted Cruz's and Donald Trump's of the moment. Who knows what the next cycle will bring? One thing's certain. No one can deny that we're in the age of least for the moment.

© 2016 by Peggy Hatchet

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