
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

2016 Presidential Shakeups and Shakedowns

Shakeups and shakedowns

Wisconsin primary results put a smile on the faces of the anti-Trump wing of the republican party. The real-estate tycoon had been darting the country in his private jet, pulling in crowds in excess of 10 thousand and winning in almost every place.

The so-called establishment wing of the party has been in a twisted fit at the idea of having Trump as the nominee. And after failing to neutralize and ultimately take down Trump's campaign with Mitt Romney's failed press conference, republicans began scurrying to their respective corners.

It had been reported that some establishment Repubs were beginning to accept the strong possibility of having Trump as their party's nominee. They absolutely hate Cruz, hardly ever think of Kasich and shudder at the thought of Trump. 

Ted Cruz, smirking as only he can
Trump losses are so few and far between that this one, no doubt, called for much celebration by his in-party adversaries.

Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump in Wisconsin by 13.1%. It was the first real shake-up of Trump's campaign since its inception.

Trump's loss is significant for republicans because of recently fortified efforts aimed at stopping him.
Bernie Sanders after Wisconsin win
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton lost to Socialist rival, Bernie Sanders by double digits. 
The Clintons were not expecting this amount of resistance from voters in a campaign where she all but have the nomination locked up.

When it was clear that the Democratic party was trying to crown Clinton instead of having an election, the name Clinton became a bad taste in many mouths.

Sanders being the only other candidate, is proving to be quite formidable, especially since like Trump, he was a bit of a laughing stock at first.

Nevertheless, Sanders won seven of the last eight primaries and caucuses, which is a major accomplishment for a professed Socialist against a Clinton.

On the other hand, Trump has been trouncing the republican field since the beginning. Out of almost 20 candidates, he's still standing among the three, which is a huge undertaking for someone with no political experience.

Trump's loss in Wisconsin would not have happened but for the obvious swiftboat attempt by Cruz's super PAC, resorting to attacking Trump's wife, a below-the-belt tactic never before resorted to in presidential politics. The party remained quiet until Trump responded.

Swiftboat ad attacking Donald Trump's wife
It all began with this ad showing Melania Trump in a shot she posed for GQ Magazine several years ago.

And true to his nature, Trump responded with a not so flattering shot of Cruz's wife.

The Twitter war was on, and republicans started rubbing their hands together, anticipating finally finding Trump's weak spot.

But not so fast. If Trump has anything it's nine lives. He may be simply down and not out.

Shakeups and shakedowns. Either of these terms could accurately describe 2016's presidential quest. And it's clear that republican dust is still swirling, whereas, the democratic race would be over, were it not for Sanders keeping it fresh.

Quiet as it's kept, more and more democrats are taking a closer look at Sanders, but will he win? That remains to be seen.

I predict a bombshell turn of events in the email investigation that cripples Clinton's candidacy and propels Sanders forward as the only alternative. But at that point, you'll get someone like Bloomberg coming out of the shadows to save the so-called day. Yeah, right.

Shakeups and shakedowns of 2016.

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Copyright © 2016 by Peggy Hatchet James

Copyright © 2016 by Peggy Hatchet James

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