
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

20 Characteristics of a Narcissist

Narcissistic behavior and selfishness run a close race. However, there are some distinct differences between a mere selfish individual and a person who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.

While this isn't a life-threatening distraction, a narcissist can destroy your self-esteem, your confidence and your dreams.

They have a way of making you feel small and insignificant in comparison to them.

If you have a friend, colleague or family member that you find obnoxiously self-absorbed and you can't figure out what makes them tick, maybe this list will help.

You can also NOT feel guilty for loving this person from a distance.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

5 Little-Known Factors That Could Affect The Romance in Your Marriage or Relationship

Finding love is somewhat like auditioning for a part in a love story. You look your best, you're on
the best behavior because you want the part.

You've been auditioning for a while, it finally paid off. Right?

After landing the part and now in the show, you're no longer consistent.

You might feel like grooming yourself, but chances are you won't. 

Why bother? You landed the role of being the spouse or significant other. The work is done, right? Wrong. 

There are some factors that could affect the romance in your marriage or relationship. In this post, the guide deals specifically with women.

5 Reasons Why a Degree in Classical Studies is Both Rewarding and Uniquely Inspirational

There is something magical about studying ancient cultures.

Trekking through the annals of Greek and Roman culture--relishing each great piece of art.

Embracing clever literature, learning the crispness of Latin and Greek languages and pondering philosophies of great men.

This is the beauty of classical studies.

One can learn about the methods of once  thriving civilizations, as the journey of classical studies takes the student on a wander through centuries of fascinating chronicles, visiting history to learn how the present came to be.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Devin Hatchet Walker Dominates Field In Shannon Middle School's Third Game

Tuesday evening, Devin Hatchet Walker (number 4) eighth grader at Shannon Middle School, dominated the field...AND the game as the team competed for yardage on their home turf against Amory, in the third game of the 2015 season. Walker scored four touchdowns, contributing to his team's final winning score of 34-14.