The fair-minded among society can agree that Blacks and other minorities are very passive, taking all kinds of abuse and methods of injustice from the system. From paying higher mortgages to being denied one altogether, minorities have to endure the absolute worst of living conditions, and they simply clamp their teeth and get through it--never reacting to the blatant class bias. Nevertheless, while Baltimore burns, those of that community say the self-righteous sit in the safety of their dwelling places and pass judgment.
It is argued that despite their passivity, when blacks do react to an act of human cruelty that crosses the line (such as police murder), they are characterized as "thugs" and "criminals". Some government officials denounce this characterization, claiming that it summons response from the global community, accusing the United States of allowing methods of brutality against its citizens as a means of control, living this hypocrisy while preaching human rights to the world at large.