
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Credit Traps...We ALL Got Caught!

What is the credit trap?
The "Credit Trap" is when you can't be off work when you're sick because you're in a stressful place of bills, bills, and more bills. It's a situation where you almost NEVER break free because you ALWAYS want what you cannot afford, and therefore, you live outside your means, borrowing money from "Peter to pay Paul".

Monday, March 30, 2015

"EMPIRE" Took Ratings & Viewers By Storm

No matter what anyone says, "Empire" is phenomenal!

The newly debuted FOX series is a refreshing change from the gutter-rat drama on VH1's The Real Housewives of Atlanta", where Nene Leakes gives the term loudmouth fool a new meaning. Unlike the bitchy mentality of reality TV where women group into cliques and go at each other. One side bullies the other and the other side better come out swinging, or they'll be wimped out. Really? No, thank you.